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    • Ready in:
    • 40 minutes
    • Complexity:
    • medium


  • 2 kg of peeled, cored and quartered quince (or wedges if difficult to cut)
  • 500g light brown sugar
  • 1.75kg mixed dried fruit
  • 200g dried cranberries
  • 3 teaspoons mixed spice
  • 1 lemon (grated rind and juice)
  • 1 orange (grated rind and juice)
  • 400g beef or vegetable suet
  • 150ml dark rum
  • Method

    Preheat the oven to 170 C. Gas Mark 3.

    Spread the prepared wedges of quince onto pyrex or baking dishes and toss in the grated rind and juices of the lemon and orange.

    Roast in the oven for 30 minutes then remove and allow to cool a little.

    Meanwhile weigh out all the other dry ingredients and mix well in a large bowl.

    Add the rum and mix again. Now I remove about 500g of this dried fruit mixture to pass through the mincer with the quince, but if you prefer all whole fruits in your quincemeat leave it as it is.

    Pass all the roasted quince wedges through the mincer straight into the dried fruits mixing very well.

    Pack into clean sterilised jars.



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